Saturday 9 October 2010

Filming process.

5th October.
Today we filmed our episode of vox pops. We had to apply for permission the day before to let us film people outside Warrington Golden Square and near the shops and cafes. We targeted asking people from a wide range of ages and genders and people to suit our target audience which was women.

115th October.
Today we filmed Annette as our older person for target audience and feedback to see how different ages see tea. this will be used as an interveiw for our documentary.

16th October.
Today we went to Lymm to interveiw Christian Birchall for target audience and to see a younger persons view on tea. This will be used as an interview for our documentary.

17th October.
Today, we filmed from my house of a traditional kettle whistling. We wanted to use this as a cut-away to introduce our documentary.

19th October.
Today, we filmed an interveiw with the owner of 'Lancashire tea rooms'. We had to arange an interveiw the day before to book time to see her. We got her perspective of the perfect tea, what tea means and how she came to start her business.

21 October.
We filmed in Andy's house to shoot cut-aways of making and drinking tea to use inbetween interveiws and in our introduction as well . We also tested to see if people could taste the difference between PGtips and Morrisons own tea bags and shows inside to show the difference in quality

27th October.
We filmed still images for cut-aways for our documentary at sam's house .

28th October.
we filmed our title for our documentary 'Milk and 2 Sugars' written in tea bag with effects to make it look like the were spiling and the poured back into the pot.

4th November.
We filmed Lynda to use in cut-aways of making the perfect cup of tea. We used another woman because i think it will relate more to the topic and lik in with our target audience of females.

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