Tuesday 12 October 2010

Target audience research

We distributed questionnaires to a wide range of age groups but we gave the most to our target audience of Middle aged housewifes.

Our questionnaire had the following quesions on it, firstly it started by asking their age and gender. Then the rest of the questionnaire involved questions on both tea and when they mostly watch televsion.
1- Do you drink tea? yes/no
2- How often do you drink tea? not everyday/1-2 times a day/2-3 times a day/4-5 times a day/6 or more
3- At what age did you start to drink tea? 10 or below/11-16/17-20/21+
4- How much sugar do you take in your tea? none/less than one/1-2/3+
5- What type and brand of tea do you drink?
6- When do you usually drink tea? in the morning/after work or college/socially throughout the day/night time/when relaxing/when working/other (please state)
7- Who would you associate tea with? children teenagers or students/middle aged people/pensioners/the working class/the middle class/other (please state)
8- Do you see tea as a way to socialise, by offering it to guests? yes/no
9- Do you drink tea to De-stress? yes/no
10- Is tea something you would offer to someone else who has had recieved bad news? yes/no
11- What biscuits, if any do you have with your tea?
12- What time of the day do you watch TV?
13- Which of the following channels do you prefer? BBC1/BBC2/ITV/Channel 4/Channel 5
14- What is your favourite programme on TV?
15- Do you ever get roped into programmes before or after this? yes/no
16- How often do you watch documentaries?
17- What is your favourite type of documentary?
18- What is your favourite colour?
19- Do you notice the music in documentaries? yes/no
20- What type of music would you expect in a documentary?

In total we asked 12 males and 18 females, and 9 of them were of the age 16-21, 3 of them were 22-30, 6 were 31-40, 3 were 41-50 also another 3 were 51-60 and 6 were 61-70.
They all answered yes to do they drink tea, this was because we asked them before so that they would give a good answers to the questions.

As you can see from the bar chart that most of the people we questioned don't drink tea everyday, then six people all said that they drunk tea 1-2 times a day, 2-3 times a day or more than six times a day. So this means that a lot of people vary in how many times they drink tea a day. Although the graph states that people dont drink tea everyday, it does however, show that people do drink it often.

In the third question most of the people started drinking tea when they were younger than 10 which tells us that a lot of people start drinking tea at an early age. Thirty percent of people started drinking tea when they were 11 to 16 and this also supports the idea I mentioned earlier. 10 percent of the people asked begun drinking tea at 17 to 20 and 20 percent started drinking tea when they were older than twenty one which is surprising because I didn't think that it was normal for people to start drinking tea that late. This also shows that we have a large range so in our interviews we should get a variety of answers, which would be interesting for the audience. This graph shows the trend for drinking tea started at an early age which adds to stereotypical ideas that people have about our country being a tea drinking industry.

The fourth question revealed that 21 out of 30 people don't take any sugar in their tea, this could be due to us asking the older generation, who could be more concerned about the effect of sugar. There were three people who had less than one sugar and six people who had one to three sugars in their tea. No-one had more than three sugars in their tea, which is also surprising because it is often criticised that younger people put too many sugars in their tea.This graph shows us that sugar is rarely used although so many drink tea.

In question number five you can see from the bar chart that the majority of people drink PG tips with 19 people selecting that answer. 8 people drink Tetleys tea, only 3 people said that they drink either Tetley or PG tips decaffeinated. This result is respected because they are both big brands.This graph demonstrates how important 'brands' are with PG tips being the overal favourite.

Question six revealed that people like to drink tea at various different times. The two most popular times were when relaxing or at night because both had twenty nine percent. The next most popular was when socialising which shows that it is a popular drink to offer people when they visit. Finally the two which were selected the least was the when working and in the morning both with twelve percent. This shows that most people think that tea is more of an evening drink than one for the morning.Tea is a drink that has been associated with relaxing and drinking it of a night time, maybe relaxing for bed.

Number 7 was quite an important question because it asked who would you accociate tea with. The majority of the people answered that tea is accociated with all people and is seen as a very British trait, this would give some good content for our documentary. 2 people said that tea was accociated with both the working class and middle class and pensioners. This suggests that tea is overall a British drink and classless.

For question number eight all of the people selected yes for do you see tea as a way to socialise, by offering it to guests. This shows that all of our target audience like to socialise in this way and so this means that we can talk about this in our interviews.

Question nine got a one sided responce from our target audeince because 87 percent said they do drink tea to de-stress and 13 percent said that they didn't.

Question ten also got a one sided responce because all thirty of our questionnaires said that they would offer tea to someone who had recieved bad news. Only 13% of people drink tea when they are stressed though everyone else drinks tea to relax.

Number eleven was also an important question because we were going to film some vox pop's of people saying their favourite buiscuit, if the question worked out. The answers to this question however were disapointing because the majority with 53 percent said that they did not have any buiscuits with their tea. So it would not be a good idea to film footage of vox pops saying their favourite buiscuits. We found this strange as we assumed that as a stereotype, people would have traditionally had a buscuit with their tea.

Question twelve was the beginning of the sheduling related questions As you can see from the pie chart, most of the people we asked watch television in the evening time. We were going to shedule our documentary in the daytime and as you can see a reasonable percentage of people do watch daytime television, which would be our target audience.

Number thirteen was a very important question for our sheduling because it asked what channel do you usually watch. From the results you can see that BBC1 is most peoples favourite channel followed by ITV. So we would try to get our documentary on that channel, but it would most likely end up on BBC2 because BBC1 is usually used for the programmes which have to be shown through popular demand. So it would probally be more realistic to put our documentary on ITV. This is good as most of our target audience.

Number fourteen was also an important question because it asked what our target audience' favourite programme was which would give us an idea what programme to put out documentary before or after, to try and get an accidental audience. People gave various answers for this question for example, sports, news, history, action films, match of the day, loose women, master chef and scrubs. But the majority of people said that they didn't have a favourite programme. So I think that it doesn't matter what programme we put before or after it because our target audience has such a wide range of favourite televison programmes.

When asked if you ever get roped into programmes before or after their favourite programme our target audience responded with 28 people out of thirty saying yes they do. This contrasts with my idea from the previous question because according to this statistic we should shedule the programme for after one aimed at our target audience on ITV daytime, like loose women.

Question sixteen asks how often do you watch documentaries? Our target audience responded by 17 saying that they watched them rarely, one said that they don't watch documentaries. six people said that they watch them once a week and 6 also said that they watch them often.

Number 17 was used to justify our choice of documentary and the results show that our target audience enjoy a range of different documentaries, so will like ours also.

Question 18 was used to help us figure out what colour we should use for our opening titles and graphics. The results showed that blue was the most popular with fifteen people selecting it. As you can see from the graph, other popular colours were red, yellow, purple and green.

Question nineteen was going to help us figure out
wether to put a big enphasis on the music in our documentary. Our target audience responded by 60 percent saying they do notice the music in documentaries and so we should make an effort and be concious of the music which we put in the documentary.

The final question was also there to help us figure out what music to use. The resuts from the questionnaire show us that we should use music to suit the topic, so the idea of using tea related songs was a good idea. Our results show that we could use a variety of different genres also like orchestra and techno.

We made story boards for our opening introduction for our documentary.

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